Accounting – Finance
- Circular CRECED 17-04, 2017 Modular Budgets
- Cert. 107, 1984-85, General Regulation on Finance and Accounting
- Cert. 101, 2000-01, Regulations for the Collection of Debt in the UPR
- Cert. 75, 2005-06, Enmienda a 101 al Reglamento para el Cobro de Deuda de la UPR
- Cert. 40, 2011-12, Enmienda al Reglamento para el Cobro de Deuda de la UPR
- Cert. 54, 2016-17, Enmienda al Reglamento para el Cobro de Deuda de la UPR
- Cert. 36, 2009-10, Institutional Policy for the Acquisition, Use and Auditing of External Funds, Received by the UPR for Academic, Research and Community Outreach
- Circular Finanzas 04-13, 2004, Regla General para Reembolso o Pago bienes No Personal para Actividades Universitarias y Telecomunicaciones
- ORCI-2016-02, Compras a Realizar en los últimos Meses del Periodo de Ejecución de Proyectos Federales
- ORCI-2016-02, Federal Projects Purchases during the Last Months of the Award
- Circular Finanzas 15-25, 2015, Tarjeta de Crédito Corporativa
- Circular Finanzas 15-25, 2015, Corporate Credit Card
- Circular Finanzas 16-12, 2016, Procedimiento para el uso de la Tarjeta de Crédito Corporativa
- Circular Finanzas 16-12, 2016, Procedure for the Use of the Corporate Credit Card
- Circular de Finanzas 00-13, 2000, Pre Intervention Rules
- Circular Finanzas 14-18, 2014, Amendments to Classification of Major Capital Equipment and Minor Non-Capital Equipment
- Circular Finanzas 14-18, 2014, Enmiendas para la clasificación del equipo mayor capitalizable y equipo menor no capitalizable
- Circular Finanzas 15-01, 2014, Creation of Codes for the Acquisition of Capital Equipment
- Cert. 8, 2012-13, Policies and Guidelines Financial Conflict of Interest
- Cert. 12, 2015-16, Amend cert 8 Policies and Guidelines for Financial Conflict of Interest and Commitments in Research and Sponsored Programs of the UPR
- Carta Ley 84, 2012, To All Suppliers of Goods and Services of Medical Sciences Campus
- Cert. 14, 2011-12, Policy for Promotion and Development of Research at the UPR
- Cert. 15, 2011-12, Effort Reporting Policies and Procedures at the UPR
- Cert. 16, 2011-12, Cost Sharing Matching Funds Policies and Procedures at the UPR
- Cert. 49, 2012-13, Amendments 14, 15 and 16
- Cert. R-1617-22 – Actualización Procedimiento para Preparación de Informes de Tiempo y Esfuerzo -Enmienda R-1213-23
- ORCI 2017, Announcement Time Effort Electronic System
- Letter 2017, Vice Presidencia, Time Effort Reporting Policies Procedures
- Manual Time Effort Reporting Electronic System
- Circular CRECED-17-01, Proceso para registrar la Tarea In-Kind en Investigación
- Circular Letter PO-17-01, 2016 Oracle HRMS System
- Carta 2016, Supra Campus Task
- Cert. 90, 2015-16 JA-RCM, Proceso de Otorgamiento de Plazas y Nombramientos Docentes de Diferentes tipos Incluyendo Profesor Adjunto
- Cert. 91, 2015-16 JA-RCM, Procedimiento para el Nombramiento
- Cert. 138, 2015-16, Identificación de Nombramiento del Personal Docente en espera de Rango Académico en el nuevo sistema ORACLE HRMS
- Cert. 18, 2002-03 JA-RCM, Nombramiento Docente Especial Denominado Investigador(a) Post Doctoral
- Cert. 48 2004-05, Normas Relativas a la Administración de Salario a Personal No Docente
- Ley 101, 2008, Research Incentive
- Circular de Finanzas 22-15-Formulario Viaje
- Informe y Liquidación de Viaje (mayo 2022)
- Liquidación y Comprobante Gasto (abril 2022)
- Reglamento de Viajes (Cert. 65 2020-21)
- Solicitud y Autorización Viaje (abril 2022)
- Solicitud y Autorización Vehículo (junio 2022)
Subawards and Contracts
- ORCI-2016-01, UPR Risk Management Procedures for Federal Grants Sub awards
- Circular Finanzas 16-07, 2016, Enmendada Creación Fondo 236 para Contabilizar Fondos Federales
- R-1213-3A, Applicability of 2CFR220 in Fixed-price, vendor contracts
- Carta VTA Comunicación Proceso Desembolso 2011
- Carta VTA Comunicación Tramite Contrato Conferenciante Visitante
- Circular Finanzas 15-15, 2014, Davis Bacon Act
Property – Equipment
- Cert. 30, 2008-09, Rules and Regulation for the Acquisition of Equipment, Supplies and Non Personal Services at the UPR
- Cert. 44, 2008-09 Errata Cert. 30, Regulations for Purchasing Equipment Materials and Non Personal Services
- Cert. 62, 1994-95, Property (Equipment) Management (Reglamento de Propiedad)
- Cert. 20, 1999-00, Amend to the Rules of the Control of the Movable Property Cert. 62
- Cert. 167, 2014-15, Amend Section IV of the Regulation for the Control of Personal Property Cert. 62
- Circular Finanzas 12-18, 2012, Guidelines for the management of property acquired with Federal Funds
- Carta Síndicos, 2011, Mejoras Prácticas sobre el Proceso de Toma de Inventario
Other Related Policies
- Cert. 35, 2007-08, System Wide Policy for the Acceptable Use of Information Technology resources Throughout the UPR
- Cert. 45, 2006-07, The System Wide Policy and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of Possible Research Misconduct of the UPR
- Cert. 61, 2007-08, Recobro de Gastos de Facilidades y Administración para Contratos no Federales
- Cert. 93-140, Council on Higher Education, 1993, Institutional Policy regarding Intellectual Property
- Cert. 108, 1998-99, Policy of the UPR on Institutional Research
- Cert. 132, 2002-03, Institutional Policy on Patents, Inventions
- Cert. 144, 1996-97, Sciences and Technology Plan
- Cert. 191, 2002-03, Rules on Expenses for Academic Community Activities
- Cert. 192, 2002-03, Rules on the Use of Telecommunication
- Cert. 178, 2015-16, JA-RCM, Indirect Cost Distribution
- Cert. 35, 2016-17, Enmienda al Reglamento General de la UPR