General information
The Legal Advice office provides general legal advice and assistance to the Rector and Deans of the Medical Sciences Campus related to university and administrative legal matters such as: academic matters, administrative operations, labor laws, grievances, and others. Periodically provides guidance on copyright and patent regulations.
- Lawyer Raul E. Bandas del Pilar, Director
- Lawyer Bárbara Doris Rivera Burgos, Asociate Director
- Julio O. Minsal Ballester, JD, Director Assistant
- Margarita Cotto Nuñez, Executive Secretary
- Nilda T. Lopez Rivera, Executive Secretary IV
- Nelida Colon Rodriguez, Executive Secretary III
Physical Address
Office #A-712
7th Floor
Dr. Jose Guillermo Arbona Building (Main Building)
787-758-2525 Ext. 1745, 1746, 1747