The Office of Academic Affairs is one of the service units and support to the School of Health Professions (EPS) in academic management. It is located on the first floor of the school and reports directly to the Dean.

The main function of the Office is to facilitate the development of the mission, goals and academic goals of the school in the context of the Medical Sciences Campus. Its mission is to provide leadership and overall vision for academic programs pivotally work towards achieving the mission and goals of the school.

To achieve its mission, the Office of Academic Affairs carries out activities aimed at: maintaining the excellence and the articulation of educational offerings, facilitate processes of professional and institutional accreditation, promote the development of new academic programs, curriculum review and evaluate the existing academic programs, to ensure that rules and procedures in the distribution of the teaching task of the faculty are met, make the development, promotion and strengthening of the research agenda of the School, advice and cooperation programs in the renewal of agreements collaborative and public needs related to clinical workshops, facilitate faculty development and ensure compliance with the rules and procedures of evaluation of teachers. It also provides data and academic information necessary to conduct academic research and evaluation at various levels of the institution.


The Office of Academic Affairs is headed by an Associate Dean, who is responsible for the academic administration of the same. His responsibilities and authority are delegated by the Dean. These include facilitating coordination between the academic programs of the School, the School of Medical Sciences and other units of the university system in the areas of academic programming, implementation of academic offerings and distribution of teaching faculty task. In addition, the guarantee faithful compliance with the rules and policies established academic and other aspects that are essential to the effectiveness of the academic offerings. The Office is organized into seven (7) components namely: (1) Academic Administration, (2) Curriculum and Accreditation (3) Assessment and Academic and Institutional Research (4) Evaluation and Development Department, (5) Continuing Education and Professional Studies (6) Clinical / Professional Workshops and (7) Development Research.

Academic Administration

This component is responsible for planning and coordinating the annual academic program to facilitate the articulation between academic programs of the School, the School of Medical Sciences and other units of the university system. Ensures compliance with established academic politics and other aspects of academic management in coordination with the Department Directors and program managers. It is responsible for keeping the information of the academic offerings in catalogs and dependencies Campus to promote appropriate marketing programs. This component serves and receives applications for new assistantships in addition, the renovation of which have previously been endorsed. It also participates and ensures that the rules and procedures in the distribution of the teaching task of the faculty of the School are met and submit appropriate recommendations to the Dean. It also has the responsibility to develop, implement and evaluate the Strategic Plan of the School.

Curriculum and Accreditation

The component of curriculum and accreditation and / or certification has a responsibility to assist in the review of information and processing of documents generated in the process of accreditation and licensing also facilitate availability of the university hierarchy during visits and support in the efforts of the physical resources required. In the processes of design, development, implementation, evaluation, and curriculum changes that occur in academic programs, consulting and professional and technical advice is provided, and ensure that they are carried out within the guidelines and rules available to the system University of Puerto Rico and the Medical Sciences Campus. This component is intended to facilitate the development and provision of interdisciplinary academic experiences of nature.

Assessment and Academic Research

Component assessment and academic and institutional research aims to implement various processes to meet the valuation of both institutional effectiveness and student learning. It has an Assessment Coordinator whose actions are aimed at providing the necessary information to determine the effectiveness of the School to fulfill the mission, goals and objectives. By appraisal academic school information is provided at different levels, both external and internal, to establish priorities and action strategies that impact the development of academic programs of the school. In addition, it is responsible for supporting all management assessment of academic programs collaborating on major statistical analysis for decision-making programmatic weighted continuous work. Equally necessary advice and information is provided for carrying out academic research projects at the level of academic programs and institutional level.

Faculty Evaluation and Development

The purpose of this component is to ensure compliance with the rules and procedures established by the evaluation system of teaching staff in the formative and summative aspects, the mechanisms to ensure its implementation and provide reports to that end requested the Office. It also promotes the establishment and implementation of a program of staff development that addresses professional, instructional, organizational and personal dimension based on the results of the formative evaluation.

Continuing Education and Professional Studies

The Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies (DECEP) is a unit of educational activities that promotes the teaching-learning constantly, in order to harmonize education management knowledge with reality, its impact on the job market, personal needs and demands of Puerto Rican society. It aims to contribute to improving the health care system through an educational program aimed at continuous development of professionals working in the field of health.

Technical Workshops

The component aims to advise and collaborate with the coordinators of the clinics / practitioners of each of the academic programs of the school in establishing collaborative agreements that are vital to the development of practical skills of students. Similarly, it is responsible for the establishment and renovation of several collaborative agreements, where most academic programs at the school participate. advice and support to academic programs in situations that can affect the experiences of students in different practice settings is provided. The teacher assigned in this component chairs the Council of Coordinators of Practice (WACC) and has a responsibility to address the common needs related to the quality and effectiveness of clinical / professional student experiences. It also assists in the development of projects impact both on the part of the experiences on our students and for the teachers responsible for these learning experiences.

Research Development

The purpose of this component is to enable the fulfillment of the target for the development of research which is central in the Strategic Plan of the School. Particularly the development, promotion and strengthening of the research agenda of the School is enacted. It provides advice and liaises with those other internal and external to the institution aiming to increase productivity in research units. establishing agreements also promotes university sectors for the development of collaborative research. Similarly, scholastic activities related to the topics or issues identified in the research agenda are coordinated.

Office Staff

Prof. Zulma I. Olivieri Villafañe
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Phone: (787)758-2525 x. 1567


Mrs. Myriam Sotomayor Vázquez
Phone: 787-758-2525 x. 1565


Prof. Migdalia Marrero Malavé
Academic Administration
Phone: 787-758-2525 x. 1564


Dr. Virginia Santiago Tosado
Curriculum and Accreditation
Phone: 787-758-2525 x. 3402


Prof. Zulma I. Olivieri Villafañe
Assessment and Academic Research
Technical Workshops
Phone: 787-758-2525 x. 1566


Prof. Amarilis Pagán Vilá
Director Continuing Education and Professional Studies
Phone: 787-758-2525 x. 3415, 3417 & 4604