General Information

Nuclear Medicine Technology is a health profession concerned with the use of radioactive material for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes such as organ imaging, analysis of biological specimens, and therapeutic procedures.

The Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology trains competent professionals to perform nuclear medicine imaging procedures on patients, perform radioactive analyses of biological specimens, prepare and administer radiopharmaceuticals, and perform quality control procedures on instruments and radiopharmaceuticals. In addition, they prepare radionuclides for therapeutic procedures and perform radiation safety procedures.

The Nuclear Medicine Technology Program offers instruction leading to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Medicine Technology. The program consists of three years at a college or university majoring in natural sciences and a fourth year of courses in the specialty taken at the Medical Sciences Campus. The fourth professional year includes classroom theory and clinical practice.

Program Mission

The Nuclear Medicine Technology program is an academic offering of the School of Health Professions of the University of Puerto Rico, Medical Sciences Campus.    The programs mission is to educate competent Nuclear Medicine Technologist. These professionals use radiopharmaceuticals for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes, such as organ imaging and therapeutic procedures.    Students admitted to the program have three years of pre-requisite courses of a Natural Sciences Faculty. These courses provide the basic knowledge necessary for the 12-month professional courses. The Curriculum, design on competencies, provides for the development of a professional with skills that include patient care, preparation and quality control and administration of radiopharmaceuticals. Skills are developed in clinical imaging procedures that include computer processing in General Nuclear Medicine, SPECT/CT and PET/CT.    Students are exposed to a variety of educational and clinical experiences that develop analytical thinking, ethical values, and research. Clinical competencies are achieved through Clinical Affiliates that are accredited. These possess state of the art clinical instrumentation and provide a variety of clinical procedures to a diverse patient population.    The program possesses a highly qualified faculty, with vast clinical and educational experience. The faculty maintains professional competencies through clinical services and through professional development activities.

Program Accreditation

The Nuclear Medicine Technology Program of the Medical Sciences Campus, University of Puerto Rico is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology (JRCNMT).


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Student learning Outcomes (SLO)

The established Nuclear Medicine Technology student learning outcomes (SLOs) are:

SLO #1:  The Nuclear Medicine Technology program will graduate students who can practice the profession as competent Nuclear Medicine Technologist.

SLO #2:  The Nuclear Medicine Technology graduate will possess competent professional skills in patient care.

SLO #3: The Nuclear Medicine Technology graduate will have competent professional knowledge and skills in the preparation, quality control and administration of radiopharmaceuticals to patients; for diagnostic and therapeutic clinical procedures.

SLO #4: The Nuclear Medicine Technology program will graduate students that will perform their professional duties demonstrating ethical values, as stated in the code of ethics of the Nuclear Medicine Technologist.

SLO #5: The Nuclear Medicine Technology graduate will apply analytical thinking in evaluating research data.

Admission Requirements

To be considered for admission to the Bachelor’s Degree must meet the following requirements:

  • Candidates for admission to the Nuclear Medicine Technology Program must complete not less than 99 credit hours in sciences and general courses, including the subjects stated below (Required Courses). For specific courses within each field, please contact the program.

Students who wish to be considered for admission to the program must also meet the following requirements:

  • Obtain a general and specific grade point average in sciences and mathematics of 2.50.
  • Be interviewed by the faculty.

Fluency in Spanish and knowledge and comprehension of English.

Required Courses

Courses Credits
English 12 Semester Credit – Hours
Spanish 12 Semester Credit – Hours
Humanities 6 Semester Credit – Hours
Social Sciences 6 Semester Credit – Hours
Mathematics 11 Semester – Hours (includes Calculus I)
Biology 12 Semester Credit – Hours
General Chemistry 8 Semester Credit – Hours
Analytical Chemistry 4 Semester Credit – Hours
Organic Chemistry 8 Semester Credit – Hours
General Physics 8 Semester Credit – Hours
Electives 12 Semester Credit – Hours
Total 99 Semester Credit – Hours

Course Descriptions

To graduate, students must comply with the following requirements:

  • Completion of all 135 credits, with a minimum grade point average of 2.00 or higher on a scale of 4.00.
  • Satisfactory completion of all didactic and practical courses in the professional program.

For  course descriptions, download the Medical Sciences Campus Catalog:

Specific Program Information

Program Outcomes

For the most recent three-year period, August 2021 to August 2023, the Program:

  1. Has successfully graduated admitted students. The institutional graduation rate for the last three years is 97%.
  2. Over 86% of our graduates have passed the certification examination of the agency for the certification of nuclear medicine technologist, Nuclear Medicine Technologist Certification Board (NMTCB), at the first attempt.
  3. The retention rate is 100%.
  4. 87% of the graduates who answered our survey found employment in the field of Nuclear Medicine Technology during the first six months after graduation.
  5. Program JRCMNT Benchmarks are listed in NMTP Outcomes Measures attached.

Graduate Outcomes

Graduate achievement data is an indicator of program effectiveness, demonstrating the extent to which a program achieves its goals. The current report on graduate achievement data, identified by program, is available on the JRCNMT website by clicking on the following link:  Graduate Achievement Report.

Teach-Out Plan

The Nuclear Medicine Technology Program of the School of Health professions (SHP) at the Medical Sciences Campus of the University of Puerto Rico (MSC-UPR) is the only program of its kind in Puerto Rico, accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology (JRCNMT). It provides the specialized education and hands-on clinical training necessary for students to become certified nuclear medicine technologists.

In the eventuality that the Nuclear Medicine Technology Program unexpectedly had to close due to the occurrence of a natural disaster, or by any other unusual circumstance, (such as program closure by the Institution or the programs accreditation has been affected or compromised), the program will undergo a structured teach-out plan. This plan will assure that all currently enrolled students can complete their degree requirements without disruption while maintaining compliance with JRCNMT accreditation standards. The Program director will be responsible for the clearance of students applying for the certification exam.

The MSC and SHP will inform students of a plan for continuation of their education as soon as that information JRCNMT will be notified and a teach out plan will be provided within 30 days of the official announcement of program closure. Intentional closure of the program will be communicated to all students immediately in the Program website.

As the MSC-UPR is the only institution sponsoring the Nuclear Medicine Technology Program in Puerto Rico, there are no alternative programs on the island for students to transfer into if they cannot complete their studies within the teach-out period. This plan assures that students who need to transition out of Puerto Rico will have a structured pathway to complete their education in an accredited Nuclear Medicine Technology program in the U.S.

If a student is unable to finish before the program’s closure, the MSC and SHP will:

  • Establish agreements with accredited institutions in the United States that offer Nuclear Medicine Technology programs.
  • Coordinate transfer options with these institutions to ensure students can continue their education without losing academic progress.
  • Provide guidance and support to students, including academic advising and assistance with transfer applications.
  • Ensure eligibility for national certification exam (NMTCB) remains intact for students completing their studies at an affiliated U.S. institution.

Program Faculty

Dr. Jossian J. Pagán Lisboa, DrPH, CNMT

Physical Address

Medical Center Complex
Monacillo Area, Río Piedras, Puerto Rico,
School of Health Professions Main Building, 7th Floor, Office # 723

Postal Address

Programa de Tecnología Médica
Escuela de Profesiones de la Salud
PO Box 365067
San Juan, PR 00936-5067


Director: 787-758-2525 ext. 4607
Secretary: 787-758-2525, ext. 4603
Fax: 787-764-1760; 787-759-3645